Wednesday, February 24, 2016

The Road to Genderfluid: Is It Brave to be Ourselves?

So we find ourselves on the path of coming out to ourselves and others. The path a bit rocky and sometimes a bit lonely even if we have travelling companions to keep up moral along the way. Your friends all you brave but how? How is being oneself brave?

In a world of turbulent societal norms it can be hard for one to have the the integrity to not fall behind masks to feel more accepted. In a world where sexual assault and rape are common place yet rarely persecuted.  A place where someone who is trans can be killed simply for "tricking" someone. This world is not kind to things that are outwardly different. Every human that exist feels a fear of self-expression in some way or another. We are all terrified out an outcome that is caused by being truly authentic.

So I ask, is it brave to be ourselves? No, it shouldn't be in a world that is more accepting than the one we live in. But we can not truly help the world, we can however surround ourselves with people that bring those feelings. While it is not brave as and inward feeling, it takes strength to face the cruel thoughts and words of others. It takes trust that it may lead to a place that one day is not so fearful. We need knowledge of ourselves to know the directions we must take.

What is the biggest comfort for you on this journey? Was there any major losses that detoured the path? And what keep you strong?

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